Monday, July 23, 2012

An Embarassingly Late Update

Well, it's been months hasn't it?

I've taken a bit of a break from blogging.  Since we were notified of our move, I've avoided my blog world.  It's weird because I feel like writing is my therapy but with life so upside down and turned around, my words are jumbled up inside of me and I have little hope that putting them out there will do any good. 

We got our final homestudy for our adoption back in May.  We went to Scotland halfway through May for our tenth wedding anniversary and when we returned home, I found out my job had found a replacement for me.  I trained her the next week then went down to the customer service center where I am working until we leave.  I know this transition is a gift.  My job with the online school was very stressful and moving down to customer service is like a vacation.  It's six girls in a room opening mail and scanning checks into the computer; taking orders over the phone and chatting about boyfriends, husbands, food, fashion, Downton Abbey and things of God.  All while getting paid my salary as an online school administrator.  That friends, is mercy in the midst of change. 

Martin will be moving into a corporate rental in the next few weeks.  He can live there for 60 days then we have to move.  During those 60 days we have to sell half our furniture, find a renter, find an apartment to rent, finish tiling and installing new toilets and vanities in the bathroom and move.  Thankfully we found out our moving company will be coming in and packing our things for us, moving them and unpacking everything.  What a blessing!

What about adoption?  Since we're moving before we turned in our paperwork to Ethiopia, we have to have the homestudy revised when we settle in the apartment.  Moving from a four bedroom house to a two bedroom apartment means we can't ask for a sibling group of more than two.  Martin and I decided to not make any new decisions until we get settled. 

I'm turning 35 in a few weeks.  I know it's silly but I had these goals in place.  When I got married at 25 we were on the five year plan with kids.  When 30 came and went I knew we would have to look at other options.  I made 35 my new goal for children.  I didn't really share it with anyone.  I believe goals are important in life but I also have to remind myself that my goals are not promises from God. I know this is not my life.  I was bought with a price.  I am not here for me.  I am here for my Maker.  All I've really wanted to be was a wife and mom.  God has given me a great privilege to be a wife to an amazing man.  I am so blessed.  And if he blesses us with children may I be as thankful.  But if not, may I always be satisfied in my Savior. 

I saw this last week,

Dear God, 
I tried my best, but if today
I lose my hope
please tell me that your plans 
are better than my dreams.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Guess What?

Guess what? We're still waiting on our homestudy. We're supposed to get it this week. I'm totally okay with it. Saw a great quote on the ol' Twitter by Tozer (no, not FROM Tozer, he's in Glory) that BooMama (a.k.a. Sophie) put up.

God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which he must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.

Mmmm. Good stuff.

Monday, January 30, 2012

H to the ome to the S to the tudy Update

I emailed our social worker last week. I sent in Martin's physical and I wanted to make sure she had received it (a.k.a. HOW MUCH LONGER DO WE HAVE TO WAIT?) and she said she is finalizing everything and will send our homestudy to us to look over soon. If we approve it, she'll release the hard copy.

Oh good news, how I love getting you.

Yesterday we were singing in church. They are really in to making sure the service flows well. They do announcements first (usually on video by a couple in the church) then scripture reading, music, followed by preaching, praying and the service closes with more music. I work well with flow. Anyway, we're singing the last song yesterday and it was Mighty to Save in a way I've never heard it before. Singing something I know in a different way always makes me focus on the words. So they are singing "He can move the mountains, my God is mighty to save. . . " and God just said to me, "Why do you doubt all I do? See? I can move mountains. I rose and conquered the grave. Do you think your tiny situations are anything for me? You need to shut up [yes, God said shut up] and trust me." I know all these things but to actually have a confirmation, a kick in the pants if you will, was just what I needed. It was cool to talk to Martin on the way home and for him to say he was being told the same thing.

None of this is about me or Martin or having children or getting them from a particular place. It's all for Him. All for His glory. All for His fame. Would my life be easier if I threw in the towel and we lived happily ever after without kids? Maybe. I've thought about that a lot lately, trust me. But I remember after Martin's accident years ago and I was at Wal-Mart and saw someone from church. They were telling me how sorry they were that all of this happened to us. And I remember saying, "I am so thankful all of this happened. It's been hard and terrible and I've failed a million times in this trial but I wouldn't change it for the world." And she looked at me like I was crazy. Because I am. But it's in the trials that God is able to show off. Not many will be able to see it and I fail time and time again in those trials but guess what comes out of trials? Gold people. Pure gold.

It's gonna be worth it - not having the kids, but going through all of this. For His fame.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Reality is setting in for this girl. The reality that waiting is like hearing a slow drip somewhere in your walls that you can't do anything about unless you tear open your walls and start searching. Sometimes it's just better to wait and see if you see a sign of where the problem is. But it doesn't mean you don't go crazy waiting!

I know that this part of waiting (homestudy) is NOTHING compared to the wait after we've met our kids and before we pick them up for home.

In the last few weeks, I've been thinking and praying about if this is what we're supposed to do. Not adoption. I feel confident in that. But how and where we're adopting.

Doubt is a funny thing. It can consume you or you can take hold of it, take it to the Father and he can either reassure you of something or change your way completely. So that's what I'm doing. As a woman, I feel I have to do this more so than Martin. It's not that he isn't part of the process, it just that I probably think about a million times more on something than he does. Oh to be a man sometimes *sigh*

One friend told me last week that adoption is WAY harder than being pregnant. She has done both and I should trust her but I like to think that my mood swings and emotional eating would be far worse if I had a human living and growing inside of me. Then there's the c-section horror stories (I'm talking to you Jayme and April G!). I'm just going to think that this is the better route for me. Of course God never promised anything easy, just that I won't be alone.

Happy New Year.