Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On Our Hearts

Martin and I talked about adoption before we were married. We didn't plan on it, we just talked about how it would be cool to one day adopt. I'm not sure if that's when God put it on our hearts or if we both had thought about it before that. I never stayed up at night dreaming about adopting children but then again I never stayed up at night dreaming about having a baby the physical way either. I just dreamed of being a wife and mother.

All I know is that on June 27, 2005, God made adoption a big reality to Martin and I. When Martin had an accident at the Police Academy, his doctor said it could affect if we could have children biologically. So, at that time, my dreams of being a mom weren't crushed, just my thinking changed. I didn't become a big adoption advocate or the desire to have kids biologically didn't magically disappear, I just wanted kids. That's all I've ever wanted. I want to be a mom. And slowly, God has changed (and is still changing) my heart to not caring how He brings those children to me.

Leaving all of that aside, I have to admit that if God doesn't desire for us to have children that I would still be the happiest, luckiest wife in the world. I am married to an amazing guy. He puts up with me and all who know me knows that is a huge and totally a God thing. I am a child of the most high God first then a wife then one day, Lord willing, a mom. In that order and it should never change.

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