Sunday, November 7, 2010

Us and Our Tea Cups

I listened to a sermon recently from my dad. He was talking about how God has called us to something that we cannot accomplish. He has called us to live outside ourselves. He has called us to help the hurting and not just help them physically but to help them by sharing God's great Truth through his Son. If you are a follower of Christ then you have been called to this. Our calls may look different but it's a call from God to every believer. And we cannot accomplish this. It's impossible to reach all of the people in the world spiritually and physically. Dad gave a great visual and I've changed it a bit so we can all relate to it.

God has given us tea cups. He's entrusted us with these tea cups and told us to start emptying the oceans. But God, what difference will my tiny tea cup make? It doesn't matter. He's demanded us to do it. So we do it. We obey.

Our call, Martin and mine, is to adopt. That's what we are working on with our tea cup. God has changed our hearts from what we have wanted to what HE has wanted. It's terrifying and so much fun all at the same time. Where we always saw a blended family of those coming from my belly and those coming from other parts of the world - He has changed (so far) to those from other parts of the world.

This past weekend we went to another adoption seminar. We learned much. God also prompted both Martin and I to make a decision on an agency and on where we are going to adopt. And Saturday night when we got home we talked it over and cried and decided.

We are using the smaller agency, located in Washington State. And for our first adoption we are putting in for siblings or multiples under the age of four in - Africa.

So, here we are at the shore - with our tea cups, emptying out the ocean. It seems silly but it's what we've all been called to do. And I'll gladly do it if it's for my Father. He's so faithful.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for this blog, Sarah, and for what you and Martin are doing. Let me correct that, "what you and Martin are allowing the Lord to do THROUGH YOU." I can see the Lord's hand on this entire process, and I am grateful to be an observer of it and one who will be praying for your and Martin's continued obedience to His call for your life. I love you both, dearly and sincerely! -Deb Dougan
