Friday, November 4, 2011

Words of Another

I've had quite the comments this week from different people about our adoption process. Some good. Some not so good. I read a girl's blog post yesterday. I agree with about 90% (of what I know so far). Cried through the whole thing. It was like fresh water on a dry soul.

The part I don't agree with? Where she says that adopted children weren't preordained before the beginning of time to be our children. Yes, they were. God didn't look at the sin Adam committed and rush around to go to "plan b" he knew that fruit would be taken and eaten. He knew death would happen. He knew we would all be born deserving to die. Yet, for his glory (something none of us can comprehend) he allowed it anyway. All to show a beautiful story of redemption from a God who loves himself so much. And because he loves himself, he loves us and gave us a way to him through Jesus. So yeah, these children were designed to be mine. Adam didn't mess up the fact that my kid's birth parents aren't going to be able to care for them. It's a hard pill to swallow and makes the gospel and God even more scandalous in our tiny little pee brains. But thanks be to God for his salvation and his Helper to bring things to light cause if it wasn't for that, it looks like we believe in something crazy (and to the world, we do).

You can read it here.